Best App Mac For Before And After Pictures

Well, WinSCP is everything you need as it is available for free of cost, is open source and has won award for its excellent performance. With WinSCP, you can script and manage basic files and folders. It is more than a secure FTP Client r as it is an open source FTPS, SCP and SFTP server. Best ftp app for iphone

  1. Make Before And After Pictures

Pictures Side-By-Side / 'Before and After' Images This question comes up in the GD&Q fairly often. 1- Open your 'Before' picture with In the Status Bar, set the Units to Pixels The pixel dimensions of the image are shown in the Status Bar (800x600 in the image above). Take note of the image size. Click on the Image menu =================================== 2- Click on Canvas Size =================================== Be sure that there is no checkmark beside Maintain Aspect Ratio (tip: click the checkmark to toggle it on/off) Double the Width (example: 800 X 2 = 1600). Type this number in to the Width value box.

Make Before And After Pictures

Best App Mac For Before And After Pictures

Note: if you want a border to appear between the two images, add the width of the border to the calculated Width value (example: 800 X 2 + border 40 = 1640) Select Anchor - Left Click OK to accept these parameters. =================================== 3- Import the 'After' image, using Layers > Import From File This will bring the 'After' image in as a separate layer above the first (Before) image. The 'After' image will be selected and the Move Selected Pixels tool activated following the import. =================================== 4- Use the mouse to move the 'After' image to the right (click and drag it). To make fine adjustments, or if you don't have a steady hand, use the keyboard Arrow keys to move the After image.